Litwild Writers Retreat

.. Into the Wild with Literature
Your chance to connect with your art.

Writing demands solitude, but that does not mean isolation and deprivation. The primary motto of LITWILD is to provide an ambiance conducive to creativity and assisting you in reaching your creative goal.

You know that there is that story or poem you want to write. There is that chapter in your novel that you are struggling to finish. But, you are leading a life full of distractions and devoid of inspiration. Too often, you are too critical of yourself. Sometimes, you are too afraid to take the first step to write that story.  Had it not been for that, you would have written that thing burning inside you. Or, you would have simply, powerfully, rediscovered your voice.

Some Soul-food for writers

You know what would be perfect? A heart warming, creativity expanding, mini writing retreat to charge you up with inspiration.

We serve this with Daily Meditation, Strolls through the hills, trekking to the highest point in Munnar, daily writing circles and fresh home made Kerala Food.

Is this Retreat meant for you?

This retreat is dedicated to all those who have been struggling to find some inspiration for their work or have not had the chance to finish something they started off.  We are looking for motivated individuals who will be willing to dedicate three days of their lives to intense writing schedules and discussions.
Is your work worthy of an opportunity? Only the writer’s opinion is relevant to that question. We do not presume to judge the merit of your work. There is no selection process.

We embrace writer of all genres, editors, scriptwriters, journalists, plawrights, poets, novelists, filmmaker etc. in all phases of their careers. If you are engaged in academic writing, consider this as an opportunity to complete your thesis, proposal or reports.
If you love hanging out with like minded people, talking about literature, writing, books, characters, if creativity gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, if writing makes your heart flutter with joy, if you find solace in the arms of nature, this is the place to be.
If you want and need to write and be inspired to do it with more ease and joy, this is the retreat for you.

What to expect out of this retreat?

Participants discuss their favorite work of literature, work intensively on their pending projects for three straight days, interact with fellow writers and take feedback from their peers. Instead of having a mentor and peer based relationship, we have sought to make our peers our best listeners.

These three days are dedicated to you to write, rest, laugh, engage in fun filled activities, learn and then write some experiences. This is for everyone who needs a Mojo reclamation and self nurturing.
Our workshops combine literary interaction with opportunity for relaxation, discovery and solitude. Participants are expected to work intensively, spending as much as 4-5 hours in a day on writing. This is intended to advance your pending writing projects. Litwild aims to leave you with a sense of accomplishment and a perpetual desire to master your craft.

Here is what we will not do –

We will not critique your work. We do have reading circles every night, but only witnessing.
We are not going to network or market ourselves. Although, we will try to answer any question about the current state of publishing.
We are not going to do therapy. We are going to believe in our fill selves in service to our writing.

Here is what you will do –

You will get writing done!
You will discuss and get ideas and inspiration.
You will get to rest. To recharge and gather strength.
You will get a perspective on your writing projects.
You will step away from habits of body and mind that do not support you.
You will get new insights into the art of writing.
Oh! And you get three days to yourself away from the city.

Some of the stuff we will cover in this Writer’s retreat –

How to get to that real, honest place in your writing
How to befriend and stop believing in critical voices
How to get rid of creative blocks
Plus –
Daily Peer Based Counseling to offer support and a place to be heard as a writer.
Daily writing warm ups to get the writing flowing (optional)
We are always available for help if your writing hits a rough spot
Allies who match your level of passion

This retreat is NOT for you if –

You want to market yourself and want to learn about getting published.  We can answer all questions, but this is not a conference.
You must be open to all kinds of writers. 
If you do not plan to write during the writing time. 
You cannot stop yourself from giving advice or talking during writing times.
If you are not willing to submit your electronic devices during the writing time. We follow a no gadget allowed policy during our writing time.

How much do we charge? 

 5500 INR

What does it include?

Lodging at Malayoram Heritage Villa
Food (Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Dinner) 
Trek to Ottamaram
Jeep Facility 
Daily Writing Workshops
Pick up and Drop from Bus Stop


Malayoram Heritage Villa is a premium home stay located in a small village twenty kilometers from Munnar. Situated at a small hilltop, it offers an exquisite view.
Please note – One Delux King Sized Room accommodates Four people. Each batch comprises of twelve people. Depending upon the number of female and male participants in one batch, the room compositions may vary.
Malayoram has various nooks and crannies to write in, including a magical farm, hammock and reading rooms.

Registration Requirements 
The retreat is open to writers of all levels – from beginners to professionals. How to know if you are a writer? – Remember, you do not need to be published to be a writer or to join us. You do not need to be working on a particular project or want to ‘do’ anything with your writing. At the same time, you can be on your way to finish the last chapter of your novel.

Registration and Dates are available on first come first serve basis. Each batch will have either four girls and eight boys or Eight Girls and Four Guys. 
Please head over to the registration page and answer few questions.

Cancellation Policy 
If you cancel two weeks before the retreat, we will return Rs. 5500 Minus Rs. 2000 i.e Rs. 3000. However, in event of last minute cancellation, or in case you fail to turn up, Rs. 5500 will be forfeited. You are free to give away your spot after informing us. Please register only for the dates you are sure about.


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